auto Repair Tustin Belts
Auto Repair Tustin
- Address: 13891 Red Hill Ave
- Tustin CA 92780, USA.
- Phone: (714) 832-9122
A drive belt is typically made of rubber for flexibility, so they tend to wear down as a result of the extended use they endure, particularly in older vehicles with a lot of mileage on the clock.

FREE Inspection For
- Belts & hoses Inspection
- Brakes Inspection
- Power Steering Fluid
- Engine Oil
- Exhaust Fluid
- Radiator Coolant
- Wiper Fluid
- Brake Fluid
EuroTech AutoCare
13891 Red Hill Ave
Tustin CA 92780
(we are inside the Shell Gas station)
Call now: (714) 832-9122
EuroTech AutoCare Auto Repair Tustin
13891 Red Hill Ave
Tustin CA 92780
(we are inside the Shell Gas station)
Call now: (714) 832-9122
EuroTech AutoCare Auto Repair Tustin

Our Services
- Car AC Belt Replacement
- Alternator / Serpentine Belt Replacement
- Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement
- Power Steering Belt Replacement
- Serpentine/Drive Belt Replacement
- Supercharger Belt Replacement
- Timing Belt Replacement