auto Repair Tustin Fluids
Auto Repair Tustin
- Address: 13891 Red Hill Ave
- Tustin CA 92780, USA.
- Phone: (714) 832-9122

FREE Inspection For
- Belts & hoses Inspection
- Brakes Inspection
- Power Steering Fluid
- Engine Oil
- Exhaust Fluid
- Radiator Coolant
- Wiper Fluid
- Brake Fluid
EuroTech AutoCare
13891 Red Hill Ave
Tustin CA 92780
(we are inside the Shell Gas station)
Call now: (714) 832-9122
EuroTech AutoCare Auto Repair Tustin
13891 Red Hill Ave
Tustin CA 92780
(we are inside the Shell Gas station)
Call now: (714) 832-9122
EuroTech AutoCare Auto Repair Tustin
Fluids play a huge role in almost every facet of your car, including fuel economy and longevity. Keeping them at the proper level will help your car last longer and drive better, something we can all get behind. Cars also need frequent TLC, and its an auto’s six different fluids that need the most attention.

Our Services
- Brake System Flush
- Oil Change
- Clutch Fluid Replacement
- Cooling System Flush
- Power Steering Fluid Service
- Radiator Flush
- Recharge Diesel Emissions Fluid
- Transfer Case Fluid Replacement
- Transmission Fluid Service