auto Repair Tustin Suspension & Steering
Auto Repair Tustin
- Address: 13891 Red Hill Ave
- Tustin CA 92780, USA.
- Phone: (714) 832-9122
Suspension & Steering
A vehicle’s suspension system helps to keep your tyres firmly in contact with the road. It assists with braking and road handling and is essential for a safe, smooth drive. The vehicle suspension system is essentially a complex system of components located beneath the car’s body, designed to work together to absorb the impact from minor imperfections in the road’s surface and offer you a controlled, comfortable ride.
Warning signs that you should be on the lookout for include:
- Reduced brake efficiency
- Reduced road holding
- Increased wear on tyres
- Driver discomfort

Our Services
- Air Shock Replacement
- Air Bag Spring Replacement
- Air Springs Replacement
- Air Suspension Compressor Replacement
- CV Axle / Shaft Assembly Replacement
- Ball Joint Replacement (Front)
- Ball Joint Replacement (Rear)
- Center (Drag) Link Replacement
- Control Arm Assembly Replacement
- Differential/Gear Oil Replacement
- Differential Fluid Service Replacement
- Drag Link Replacement
- Lateral Link Replacement
- Lubricate Driveshaft
- Lubricate Steering and Suspension
- Lubricate U-Joints
- Power Steering Fluid Reservoir Replacement
- Power Steering Pressure Hose Replacement
- Power Steering Pressure Switch Replacement
- Power Steering Pump Pulley Replacement
- Stabilizer Bar Links Replacement
- Steering Rack/Gearbox Replacement
- Steering Stabilizer Stop Replacement